
Gmail + CRM + Automation = AMAZING! (NetHunt Workflows)

How NetHunt CRM works with Gmail

(upbeat music) If you're a Gmail user and you need a CRM system, then this video is for you, why?

Because NetHunt CRM has gotten so much better because now it includes complex automation.

So you can sit back and do a whole lot less and let your CRM system do a whole lot more.

Hello everyone, Scott Friesen here at Simpletivity, helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress.

And the reason why I love NetHunt CRM is that you can do it all right here from within Gmail.

You don't need to open up another tab.

You don't need to go into another application.

Here, I can expand my Scott's business example here, and I can view all of my deals on a single screen.

I can view my pipeline and start to move things across.

As soon as I've won this deal, I can move it over here to the won column and manage those contracts, manage my clients.

I can not only view all of my contacts right here from within Gmail.

I don't have to jump to Google Contacts, but I can see the full history.

If I click on their link, I can see all of the emails and set my customized fields and everything that you would want from a CRM system.

But what I want to show you today is how to use Workflow Automation.

So you can have people fill in a contact form.

You can have people reply to an email and then automatically change their status or send a follow-up email campaign.

Whatever you want to do, you can build it right here within NetHunt CRM.

First, let me quickly show you

Example of a NetHunt CRM Workflow

what I'm talking about here with a sample I already created.

So in this case, I've got a nice overview of someone who is filling out a contact us form and how they're automatically being included in my CRM records.

But beyond that, I've got things branching out into a few different things.

Because once they've signed up or filled in that contact form, I want to send them a special email message.

And then I want to wait to see if they reply.

And if they don't, I want to send them another email, but once they do reply, I want to change their status to a lead.

And here on the right-hand side, I can follow those workflows each and every time.

So I can see in this case, I have three individuals that have already gone through the process.

And that gives me a lot of great statistics and data as well.

So I can see how many people are laying eyes on it.

If there's a bounce or how many emails are being bounced at what stages, where are people getting caught up in that workflow?

So let me show you how you can build out a workflow and a variety

How to create a workflow in NetHunt CRM

of different automations right here from within NetHunt. So all we need to do is click on the workflows tab on the left-hand side of our menu.

And then up in the right, we're going to select new.

And in this case, I'm going to call this a contact us form, okay?

So this is something, when someone fills out my contact us form, this is the automation and the email drip campaign I want to send them into.

So we start off with a blank grid and we can do so many different things here when it comes to automation.

I'm going to start by selecting, add a starting trigger.

And here's, you can see that trigger could be a variety of things, including when a new record is added, whether I do it manually, or maybe it comes in by some other form, when a field value changes.

So perhaps when I adjust the lead type or the customer type, maybe one of my customized fields that I already have set up in my contact list, that could be a trigger.

We can choose web hook events, but in this case, I want to use a web form

Setting up a web form in NetHunt CRM

when someone is filling out a web form. Now, the nice thing here within NetHunt CRM is that yes, you can connect it to other web forms that you're already using, but you can also create your own right here from within NetHunt.

So for example, I'm going to say that this is just a basic contact us form.

I could give it a description if I want, but I'm going to keep it simple for this example.

I'm going to keep it basic first name, last name, email address, and maybe I'm going to add a text field here as well.

And just something like, "tell us more about what you are looking for," something along those lines.

And you can add a variety of customized fields in your contact us form here as well.

Now I'm going to hit save.

In this case, we can do some customization here.

I kind of liked the way things were so far.

If you don't like the color scheme, you can change from a few different templates here as well.

But this is just a preview of what this form is going to look like.

And at the top of the screen, you can see, we can add this in a few different ways.

We can link directly to it.

So you can add this link, or if you want, you can embed this directly into any website.

So if you want to put this on a particular page or maybe in multiple pages on your website, you can do so as well, but we've got the contact form the way that I like it, it hit close at this stage. Let's decide next,

Adding actions to a NetHunt CRM workflow

what is going to happen once someone has filled out that form.

So I'm going to select add an action here.

And in my case, I think the most logical next step would be to create a new record, right?

When they fill out a form, I don't care, I may not even know their level of interest is, I want to add them to my CRM so I can decide and hopefully bring them in as a part of my sales pipeline.

So I'm going to say, create a new record, and I want to put it into contact.

Next up, we just need to match our fields, because remember you can customize that contact us form and have it mapped to different things within your CRM system.

So in this case, I just want to make sure that yes, first name is going to match up to first name.

We want the last name to match up to our last name.

We want the email address to match up to, yes, you guessed it, the email address.

Now this may seem like a lot of additional work at this step, but remember, all of those fields can be customized on your form.

So maybe you want to map them to something particular or very different than what the user is seeing depending on how you create your form.

So I'm going to hit save at this case.

So that's, what's going to happen next.

We're going to create that contact.

Splitting paths within NetHunt CRM workflow

But my next step here as a part of our web flow builder, or workflow builder is we want to create a split path.

We want to branch things off here into two different streams, because on the one side, I want to send them a welcome email and hopefully get them to respond.

But on the second side of things, this is going to be sort of the next step is when I graduate them to be an official lead, because I'm not going to really count them as a lead until they actually reply.

I'm not going to count them as a qualified lead until they actually reply to one of my emails.

So that's where this split path comes into play.

So we've got branch A and we've got branch B, let me show you how this is going to work.

Let's start with branch A and what we're going to do is we're going to send a welcome email.

Now you can see there's a variety of other things we could do as well, including sending Slack messages or a Google Chat message.

We could just simply update the record.

You don't always have to be sending email as a part of it, but I know for many of us, when it comes to nurturing our leads and people who are contacting us via our contact form, we want to send them an email.

So I'm going to select, send an email.

We're going to send it to the email address on file.

And here you can craft any message that you want.

In our case, I'm going to keep it very, very simple.

In fact, I'm only going to be using subject headers in this case, but of course you can customize this text any way you want.

You can even add macros.

So if you want to make it personal and address them by their first name, you can do all of that right here within NetHunt.

But let's say this is our welcome email and I'm going to hit save.

So that's the first email that they're going to receive.

Next up, I want to check and select another action.

Adding time breaks and rules within the workflow

And in this case, I want to wait for a little bit of time.

I want to wait maybe about two days before, I send my follow-up email.

I don't want to feel like a pest, but I don't want them to forget about me either.

So I'm going to wait a maximum of two days before I send that follow-up email.

I'm going to hit it save here and here you can see it's built right into my workflow.

So I can easily see what's going on and I can adjust these things, add more or remove or edit these actions whenever I like.

My next action here is going to be my second email.

So here, I'm going to come back into, add a new action, I'm going to say, send another email, and in this case, I can choose to send it as a reply to the previous email if I want, but in this case, I'm going to actually check that box.

I'm going to say, "I think you may like what we have," all right.

So this is my follow-up email, right?

'Cause they haven't responded to the first one yet.

So the messaging is probably going to be a little bit different.

Maybe I'll add a bit more detail and as to why they should reach out and find for more information.

I'm going to hit save on this one.

And here you can see I've got my second email here.

Now, remember you can make this drip campaign as complex or as simple as you like.

In this particular example, I'm going to stop it at this point because I want to show you how we can convert them or when we will convert them to a qualified lead.

But maybe you have five or seven or even 10 emails that you want to be sending along before you either change them or have something else happen as a part of your workflow.

So what I'm going to do at this stage here is I'm actually going to end this workflow.

Setting triggers for next path in workflow

You can see the last option here is to end this branch of the workflow.

However, as we move to branch B, let me show you how the relationships work here.

The very first action I'm going to select here is to wait for email.

And what that means is that I am going to wait until they've replied to do what is happening here in branch B.

So branch B is not going to start.

Nothing is going to happen in this second set of actions, the second set of automations until I receive that email back.

Now, in this case, I want to uncheck this box, which says, ignore previous emails.

I don't want to ignore those previous emails.

I want to be listening to and making sure that whenever they reply to any of those emails in branch A, then branch B will begin.

So I'm going to hit save in this case.

I'm going to wait for that email to receive, and as soon as they've replied to me, what I want to do is change their status from new contact to a lead as in a quality lead.

Because, just because someone filled out a contact form, I really can't gauge their full level of interest, but once they've emailed back or replied back to one of my emails that I've sent to them, well, that gives me a hint that maybe they are interested in my services.

Using the update record workflow action

So what I'm going to do in this case is I'm going to update the record.

Once they've replied to me, I'm going to select update a record.

We're in our contacts field already.

And what I need to do is come down here to one of my customized field values.

Now I can change any of these field values that you see listed here.

But in my case, I'm going to come down to type.

And what I'm going to do is going to select the value and choose the type that I want to change it to.

So by default, in my CRM, the way it is set up, everyone is a new contact when they first fill out that form.

But I want to change them to a lead as soon as they reply to one of my emails.

So I'm going to select lead in this case and hit save.

Now, the other thing that you want to keep in mind when setting up your workflows here within NetHunt CRM is you can rename these as well.

Here on the left-hand side, maybe the subject line of these emails are good enough to tell me what is happening here.

But in this case, it says, update a record.

It says, update one field.

Well, if I come over here, I can select rename.

And I think what's going to make a lot more sense if I say, update type to leads.

So I know what is happening at this stage.

I'm going to hit save here.

So now I know this is when they are converting from a new contact to a qualified lead.

You know, the next thing that I want to do once they've replied is obviously send an email back to them.

Either thanking them or giving them more detailed information.

So once again, I'm going to select send an email to their email address, and this is going to be, "take a look at these great, these great deals."

All right, perfect.

So here I've maybe got a long list of things that they may be interested in purchasing, or maybe I want to set up a meeting, whatever makes the most sense for you and your CRM automation system.

I'm going to hit save at this point.

So there is when that email is sent out.

And my last step here is just going to be to end that workflow, because now I've started a conversation, maybe I want to be a little more personal and I'm going to jump on board and maybe set up a phone call or a meeting or something of the like.

So here we go.

Now, I've got my automation all set up.

All I need to do at this stage is come up here and select activate.

So now we are ready to take it for a test run and see how this actually works.

Testing out the workflow and seeing it in action

So first off, what we need to do here is to get that form.

In order to get that link, all we need to do is click on that, contact us form.

I'm going to copy that link here and put it in a new tab.

So this is what your contact may see, or in my case, this is what my participants would see.

And again, you can embed this into your website if you want to.

So let's give this a very test, test, Testerson, yeah, that's a good name there, test Testerson.

And we'll give him a real address in this case, just so we can see how the reply automation works with the workflow that we've set up.

And I'm just going to leave this last one blank here.

So here's this test user who is submitting my contact us form.

Form is submitted, fantastic.

Let's jump back to NetHunt, which is within our Gmail account to see what happens.

So I'm going to come back here, let me close this page.

And already you can see on the right-hand side, we have someone waiting within this workflow.

I'm going to show you the contact in just a second, but here you can see we've got one person who's filled out the Contact Us form.

They've now updated the contact records and we've sent them that welcome email.

Now everything else shows as a zero for good reason because we're waiting, right?

We've decided to wait for two days, at least two days before we send out this following email below, right?

And again, you can have as many as you like.

The idea is that we hope to send them for them to reply an email back to us so we can change their status from a new contact to a lead.

Viewing the updates within NetHunt CRM

But let me jump over to my contacts for just a second here.

Here we see we've got test, Testerson.

Right at the top of our, right at the top of our list here.

If I click on that, you can see that we've got his information here.

Here's his welcome email that we sent him and the type is a new contact.

It's working just the way that we have designed it.

It's been added to our CRM system.

He is correctly labeled as a new contact and we can follow the conversation here, but nothing else is going to happen in this workflow until they reply back to us either they need to reply to us, or we're going to wait two days and we're going to send them an automated email.

Well, let's accelerate the process here.

I'm actually going to jump into my test Hotmail account and here you can see here's the welcome email we created just a few minutes ago.

So let's say that I am interested, right?

I'm someone who is interested.

So I'm going to reply and say, "please send me more details."

All right, so I'm going to hit send on this case.

I'm replying to that email.

So let's jump back into NetHunt and see what is happening with our automation.

So at this stage, you can see that we still have zeros on branch A because we haven't waited two days.

In fact, there's actually no need for us to continue on with sending this future email.

But if we look over at branch B, yes,

Reviewing the live details within the NetHunt CRM workflow

the email was received. So we've now updated that individual's type from new contact to lead and we've sent them the follow-up email.

And if we look over here on the right-hand side, it's even telling us that it's fully completed.

I'm going to jump back to my Hotmail account for just an example here.

Here you can see there's that new email that was automatically sent.

We had no hands-on in this operation at all.

It was all automated on our behalf, but on this side, we can also follow a full time staff history of the entire workflow and where this customer has been.

Everything from when they first filled out the contact us form all the way to when we sent that last email and when their type was changed.

And if you don't believe me, let's go back into contact here.

Let's click on that test Testerson and here his type, yes, is now changed to lead so we can treat him a little bit differently, send him other information, maybe reach out to set up a meeting.

Now, if you'd like to watch my full review of NetHunt CRM for Gmail, be sure to watch this video right here on the screen in front of you.

Thank you so much for watching today's video.

I hope you subscribe right here to the Simpletivity channel and remember being productive does not need to be difficult.

In fact, it's very simple.

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