No matter if you're a new user to Trello or perhaps you're an expert when it comes to boards, lists, and cards, today I wanna share with you some of the very best keyboard shortcuts so that you can do things quicker when dealing with Trello. Hello, everyone.
Scott Friesen
Scott Friesen here at Simpletivity, helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress.
If you're not familiar with Trello keyboard shortcuts, well, you are not only missing out,
but you're probably wasting a lot of time when you're dealing with your Trello boards.
Now just before we get into eight of my favorite Trello keyboard shortcuts, I wanna start off with the shortcut question mark. If you hit the question mark key,
Shortcuts Menu
Which is usually Shift + Question Mark on your keyboard,
what you're going to get is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts,
this is the official Trello list,
so that whenever you are within Trello,
you can get everything that I'm talking about here along with some additional ones as well.
So, just hit the Question Mark on your keyboard.
With that being said, let's start off with one that I use all the time.
That has to do with assigning myself to a card or perhaps removing myself from a card.
Now it can sometimes be tedious to hit this little edit icon and then go down to change members and then uncheck myself here and then I gotta hit save.
I mean, that's one way of doing it.
I could open up the card and do something similar by selecting this members version over here.
Well, why don't I do it just from here?
Why don't I do it in just single click?
Well, if you select the Space Bar, you can assign yourself.
Add/Remove You
To any card.
Look at that.
In just a single click, I'm assigning myself to these cards.
If I wanna remove myself, well, that's just a Space Bar click away as well.
I mean, how often have you had several cards assigned to you?
And you say to yourself, I no longer need to be assigned to that anymore.
Boom, boom, boom.
It's as simple as just the Space Bar on your keyboard.
Let's stick with assigning members and assigning things to maybe other people on our team.
For that, we wanna use the keyboard shortcut key A,
A as in assign.
Assign Members
So, if I hover over a card here and select A on my keyboard,
it's gonna automatically pop up the assignment dialog.
So, I'm gonna select someone else.
I can go over to this card here.
I'm gonna select A, and I'm gonna select someone else as well.
Now I've assigned people to this card.
Now there's one other thing I wanna show you here.
I'm gonna actually open up this card as an example.
This goes for almost all of the shortcuts in today's video
is that you don't always have to be at the board level view.
But when you're opening up this card,
even if you're looking at other things such as the activity down below,
if I hit A on my keyboard, it will still bring up the member assignment here.
If I hit Space Bar for example,
it's still gonna remove me.
And if I hit it again, it's going to add me.
So, you don't have to use these members and labels buttons here if you don't want to.
Almost all of these shortcut keys can be used within the card but also here at the board level view.
One last shortcut key I wanna share with you when it comes to assigning people or unassigning people
and that has to do with you want to filter out the cards that are only assigned to you.
You may be familiar by going to the menu, going to the search cards feature,
and then selecting yourself to see which of these cards are assigned to you.
But there's a much, much simpler way.
If you select Q on your keyboard,
Filter Cards Assigned to You
Q is going to quickly filter all of the cards on your board.
Here we can see there are four cards that are assigned to me.
I can toggle that back and forth as much as I like.
Here, when I select Q, I can just focus on these cards.
I can maybe work on these for the next 20 or 30 minutes or however long I'd like to work on these tasks.
If I hit Q again, now I go back to seeing every other card on the board,
so a very valuable one, the Q to filter cards assigned to you.
Well, let's move away from assignment of cards and let's take a look at labels.
I got a few different label shortcuts I wanna show you here.
Now I often get the question about Scott, how do you see the label names here.
Scott, I've seen some of your videos.
How do you actually show the label names?
You may know that, by default, we just get to see the colors on the front of the card.
If I open up this card, I can see the full name.
New project is green, and orange is client request.
But sometimes it can be very helpful to see the name right here on the board level view.
Well, if you select the Semicolon key on your keyboard, all of your labels will be expanded.
Now I can see that, new project, client request.
Yellow is medium.
Blue means HR.
If I hit Semicolon again, it will collapse everything there for me as well.
Now one thing to note is that this view does not change how other people see this board.
So, if you have other members of your team, just because you're viewing it with these expanded labels, it doesn't mean that everyone else is going to be seeing that.
So, you might wanna pass this tip along to the people that you're collaborating with or the people that you're working with within Trello.
All right.
I'm gonna hit that one more time just to collapse that label.
Let's get to label assignment.
Well, label starts with the letter L.
So, I'm gonna guess something's gonna happen when I hit L on my keyboard.
I'm gonna hover over this card, hit L, and boom,
Assign Label Menu
I've got the label assignment right here.
I'm gonna put client request on this one.
I'm gonna maybe go over here to Idea One.
I'm gonna hit L again.
I'm gonna say that this one is urgent.
Quick and easy.
Well, let's take it one step further.
You'll notice if I hit L and we bring up this menu here,
this is the default colors that when you start a new board in Trello,
you're gonna see this default order of colors,
green, yellow, orange, red, purple, and blue.
Well, I want you to remember that order because these colors correspond to the number keys on your keyboard.
One is green, two is yellow, and so on.
So, if I wanna attach the green label here, all I have to do is hit the number one.
If I wanna attach the yellow label, it's number two, and so forth.
Let's go to a blank card.
Let's go to this one over here.
Let's just go one through six.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
I'm only hitting the number keys on my keyboard.
Six, five, four, three, two, one.
You may not need to or not want to memorize all of the labels that you're using,
but particularly for those that you use frequently or that you use quite often,
that might come in handy if you are needing to change those labels on a regular basis.
All right.
The next one on our list has to do with due dates.
Due dates are so important within Trello to help us stay on task.
Due dates, that's two D words.
So, I'm gonna guess the letter D is gonna bring up my calendar.
Change Due Date Menu
Here I can change my due date or remove the due date if so necessary.
Once again, if I'm here within the card, no matter where I am looking in the card, if I hit D, I can still get that menu.
You don't have to use these buttons here on the right.
And the very last keyboard shortcut I wanna share with you today has to do with adding new cards within Trello.
A lot of you may not be familiar with this one.
You're obviously familiar with the add another card, which is at the bottom of each and every list,
but you don't even have to click that.
No matter where your cursor is, let's say I wanna add something here within progress,
as long as my cursor is below in progress,
all I need to do is select N on my keyboard.
Add New Card
And boom,
I'm gonna have a new card waiting for me to enter.
I wanna add a new card over here.
My cursor is below it.
I'm gonna hit N.
I'm gonna add a new card.
But let's go one final step further.
Maybe I don't want to add that new card at the bottom of the list.
Maybe I want it as the second from the top.
Well, if I hover over this card here and select N,
I'm gonna get that new card directly below.
Maybe I need to add something in-between these two July 12 due dates.
I'm gonna hover over this one.
I'm gonna select N.
Now my new card is ready to be entered directly below that card there,
so another tip for adding new cards here within Trello.
Well, I would love to hear from you.
Of all of the keyboard shortcuts that I showed you,
which one is your favorite, or which one are you going to start using right away?
Make sure to tell me and share with others in the comments down below.
Remember, being productive does not need to be difficult.
In fact, it's very simple.