almost every team sport has a half time as a part of their game football basketball soccer and many others have a distinct break between the first and second half now the purpose of a half time is to give players an opportunity to rest themselves so they can come out strong in a second half it's a time to
Purpose of a Halftime
regroup with teammates it's a time to refuel bodies it's a time to listen to a
coach and strategize about how to ensure a win in the second half you will also
Players Retire
notice that at halftime players don't remain on the field or on the court no they remove themselves from the place of action and retire to a locker room well
Take a Halftime
today I want you to take a half time I want you to treat your day like a professional athlete I want you to be as strong as you can in your second half so
Second Half
don't eat your sandwich at your desk I want you to get up and move around can you eat your lunch somewhere else away from your place of work can you go for a
Power Nap
short walk to exercise not only your body but also your mind are you able to fit in a short power nap it'll do you much better than a cup of coffee will right after lunch treat your day like a professional athlete and take a half time when it comes to professional sports no one wants to be on the bench in the second half of the game no they want to be on the court they want to be on the field trying their best to bring
a win for their team so do the same in your work life and bring a win to your
team take a half time today it's very simple